課程資訊 Course Information
日期Date 2024/12/7(Sat)
時間Time 09:30-12:00 & 13:00-16:30
地點Venue 光復校區 綜合一館AB102室 [GF]AB102
課程大綱 Course Syllabus
本門課程主要介紹資料視覺化的概念 + 軟體實作全球超熱門的商業數據視覺化分析軟體:Tableau。
This course introduces the concepts of data visualization along with hands-on practice using Tableau, one of the most popular business data visualization tools globally. Tableau is a top-tier commercial software, compatible with both Windows and Mac platforms, and is highly user-friendly. Known for its ability to handle large datasets efficiently, Tableau streamlines data visualization tasks, aids in data interpretation and analysis, and enhances analysts' capabilities.
認識 Tableau – Why Tableau? Introduction to Tableau
各類資料視覺化工具介紹 Overview of Various Data Visualization Tools
Tableau 入門實戰 Beginner's Guide to Tableau: Hands-On Practice
Tableau 地圖與地理系統 Tableau Maps and Geographic Systems
Tableau 儀表板 Building Dashboards in Tableau
Tableau 數據與統計 Data and Statistical Analysis with Tableau
完整課程資訊 More information [ https://ict.nycu.edu.tw/?p=
報名方式 Sign Up Now
報名人數上限 50人` Max Registrants (50)
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蘇思文(知識遊牧有限公司 專案經理)