

【09/12(二) 14:00-15:30 陽明大學時期在蘭嶼寫下的醫療服務史-南彊驥蹤四十載 陽光入窗識智明|張南驥教授|博雅書苑校史人才培育系列講座】,歡迎本校師生參與!
演講主題:陽明大學時期在蘭嶼寫下的醫療服務史-南彊驥蹤四十載 陽光入窗識智明
演講主題:陽明大學時期在蘭嶼寫下的醫療服務史-南彊驥蹤四十載 陽光入窗識智明

演講主題:陽明大學時期在蘭嶼寫下的醫療服務史-南彊驥蹤四十載 陽光入窗識智明


主持人: 曾憲政博士(國立陽明交通大學陽明校區博雅書苑博士後研究)

引言人:張立鴻副教授 (國立陽明交通大學博雅書苑副書苑長)

時間:112年 09月12日(二)14:00-15:30


視訊連結:https://meet.google.com/iqn-jjte-onj   (演講前15分鐘開啟)

截止日期: 09月11日(一)12:00





Topic:The History of Medical Service in Lan-yu during National Yang-Ming University

Lecturer:Prof. Nan-chi Chang ( CEO VIA Cord Blood Stem Foundation/ Former National Yang-Ming University Professor )

Host: Ph.D. Shiang-jang Tzeng ( Post-Doctor Fellow of NYCU Liberal Arts College)

Moderator: Associate Prof. Li-Hung Chang (Associate Dean of NYCU Liberal Arts College )

Date:September 12, 2023 14:00-15:30

Location:NYCU Paul Han House

Online Link:https://meet.google.com/iqn-jjte-onj   (Open 15 minutes before the lecture)

Deadline for Registration : September 12, 2023 12:00


With his knowledge of Genetic Engineering and Immunology, Prof. Nan-chi Chang has ventured his expertise as means for treating actual genetic diseases. After completing his postdoctoral training in the USA, he resolutely returned to the then National Yang-Ming Medical College owing to a high calling, plus a request from our Late President Paul Han (韓偉). Since then, he not only devoted himself to education, but also personally led many teams of National Yang-Ming University to the Orchid Island (Lan-yu) for charity services to patients of various endogenous genetic diseases requiring timely advices and treatments. In this lecture, Prof. Chang will flashback this historical past as a joyful note to you all !!


|聯絡人| 吳小姐

|電話| (02)2826-7000#65284


最後異動時間:2023-08-31 上午 10:16:59